China Hangzhou-Magnificent Mount Mogan

Image of China Hangzhou-Magnificent Mount Mogan
Average: 5 (1 vote)
Duration :
Starting Price : 150USD/Person

Tour Description

One of the best excursions from Hangzhou (and easily accessible by public transit and tour buses) is to Mount Mogan (Mògànshan), a 719-meter-tall mountain about 50 kilometers northwest of the city. Taking its name from a legendary couple who lived here in the 5th-century BC — both gifted blacksmiths who devoted their lives to making two incomparably beautiful swords for the emperor — it's highly regarded for its outstanding natural beauty and has long been a favorite retreat for the country's social elite (Chiang Kai-shek had a place here). In addition to sightseeing, other popular activities include hiking and biking with many stopovers at quaint local inns or smaller hotels set up in some of the older villas built in the early 20th century. A good jumping-off point is the small town of Moganshan, home to many traditional restaurants and contemporary lodging options.

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Jessica In China


Image of China Hangzhou-Magnificent Mount Mogan

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