Their dishes tasted really good & delicious and waitress are so nice for clients, well you...
It is great experience for seeing open style kitchen there, and their steak tasted really...
Their service is just perfect, and the japanese steak tasted relly special!
The restaurant atmosphere was so happy and relaxing, well the waiter's service was also...
The restaurant got perfect location here in perth, and fish & duck was first class and...
My favorite dish must be the "Hopkins River beef" there, and other food was also...
The restaurant 's steak tasted so great! And it is also located in center area of city...
This is the one of best restaurants here in Melbourne, and my family like their cocktail and...
The most impressive part of restaurant is the "open" kitchen, and their sea food...
The restaurant's dark hot chocolate tastes so great, and it is just like a chocolate heaven...