Merkato (Mercato) market Tours – Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Merkato (Mercato) market
About this place
Merkato (or Mercato) market in Addis Ababa is the biggest outdoor market in the whole of Africa. You can get and shop almost everything in Merkato market from small locally known herbs to latest fancy electronic devices.
The most interesting parts of Merkato to visit and experience the real local life are
- the Spice Market,
- Enset (False Banana tree) whose roots are used to make bread,
- the colorful hand woven baskets market,
- second hand items market and
- the recycling section.
Merkato is closed on Sundays and bargaining for price is the order of the game here.
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Tours That Go to Merkato (Mercato) market
$95 Per Day
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Location: Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Duration: 4 to 8 hours
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